If you look at the title you may think that I'm getting a new sister. I am but a not a physical sister but a spiritual sister. If you tried to guess here is the answer, MY SISTER IS A CHRISTIAN. Yes you read right, Elizabeth is a Christian. She became a Christian 6/12/08. She is to shy to tell anyone so I took the librety of telling everyone. She became a Christian during VBS at our church. These next couple of words are from my sister. "It felt weird". She may be my silly sister but not anymore, now she is my silly christian sister.
I hope you Love this new post.
I love the new post...& it is about time... for a new post that is... That is wonderful news!!!
What wonderful news. Did she make a commitment to God or was she baptized Patrick?
Elizabeth, I am so proud of you. And love you so much.
Heya, how's it going? Thanks for putting your blog on anonymous. It's quite efficient. Anyway, I'm happy that you've got a spiritual sister. It's quite an honour to have that piece of information in your name.
Meh, nothing's going on that much for me. I haven't gone anywhere for summer vacation.
But I did get enrolled in an art school in Hewitt! I go every Thursday for ten weeks. We learn cool new art techniques each week.
And for my art ability? It's getting better and better!!! I'm so thrilled over this. Have I told you? I've set up my own web page on the Internet! The website is called DeviantArt, where you can post your art. My alias name is Cheruphim, and I have the URL posted in the ID section.
Ever since I got that new website, I've been kinda busy on the computer, uploading new files by the minute. My gaming time isn't as high as it used to be.
Speaking of games, I bought two new ones: Tales of Symphonia and Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. I love them to death, though I'm stuck on the first one.
By the way, have you worked on your
summer reading? I've managed to read Gathering Blue and complete all of the necessary things in a couple of days! You know how Gathering Blue's supposed to be a sequel to The Giver? Well, it doesn't have the same characters. I found out that Jonas doesn't return till the sequel to Gathering Blue, Messenger.
Gathering Blue was good, but not as good as the giver.
Anyway, goodbye, and kudos to your summer vacation!
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